Showing posts with label History of Barozais.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History of Barozais.. Show all posts

Friday, August 26, 2016

History of Barozais.

History of Barozai

History of Barozais

The history of the Barozais dates from about 1470 when Baro Khan, the founder of the Barozais, ingratiated himself with the Mizri who were then in possession of Dhadar and married the daughter of the chief. On the decay of the Arghun rule, the Pannis increased in power and importance, and about 1570 -1575 are found as being in possession of the Sibi fort and district.
Barozai Tribe History
Barozai Tribe History

Three expeditions were undertaken by the Mughals against them. In 1595, the fort of Siwi, finally fell to the imperialists, led by Mir Masum, the soldier and the historian. The tribe is spoken of as having fought bravely and it seems to have retained its importance, as in 1695 its dependencies were held by one Mirza Khan, a Baruzai, who had received the title of Nawab from the ruler of Delhi and also administered the affairs of Upper Sind.
Nawab Ghous Bakhash Barozai sharing 300 years old book hand written his ancestral History
Nawab Ghous Bakhash Barozai sharing 300 years old book hand written his ancestral History

During the time of Mirza Khan Barozai, the Afghan Chief of Sibi (1666-1699 AD) eighteen battles were fought between the Panni Confederacy and the Brahuis of Kalat in the neighborhood of Sibi or Dhadar . In sixteen battles with the Barozai Ruler of Siwi, Mir Ahmad Brahui  was defeated in each encounter with their forces. A seventeenth engagement took place at a spot called Pir Lehkan in which neither party obtained a decisive result. But Mir Ahmad himself, and his Minister, Akhund Mohammad Saleh, were both wounded and Mir Shawaz and Mir Ibrahim, the latter an ancestor of the  Naushirwani Sardar Mir Azad Khan, lost their lives. The Brahuis left the battlefield; the Afghans collected the booty, consisting of silken belts and horses of Turki and Tazi breed. Mir Ahmad Qambrani's sister named Bibo gallantly attacked the Pannis. Attired in male garments she fought valiantly and got killed at the hand of Jalal Khan Kurak. Soon the Brahuis avenged themselves on the Pannis and defeated Rahim Khan Pirang who led the Pannis in the absence of Mirza Khan Barozai. In 1695 AD, peace prevailed between the two tribes, which was sealed by a happy marriage of Princes Mahnaz the daughter of Mir Ahmad Qambrani with Said Khan Barozai Panni, the brother of Mirza Khan Barozai.
Mirza Khan was succeeded by his son Bakhtiar Khan Barozai who rose in revolt against the Mughal Emperor, Aurangzeb Alamgir in January, 1702 A.D. He successfully fought for the freedom of Siwi or Sibi, but later fell a prey to a strong Mughal force led by the Subedar of Multan, Muizuddin. His successor Ismail Khan  is locally credited with having built the town of Dera Ismail Khan ; he was succeeded by Isa Khan, who was followed by Ismail Khan II who accompanied Nadir Shah to Delhi and later on built the fort at Sangan.
The Baruzais of Sibi appear to have become separated from the Sangan branch at this period, and during the reign of Ahmad Shah, Durrani, Muhammad Khan, who had gone to Kabul to complain of Ismail Khan, was granted a warrant dated 1759 in which Ahmad Shah entrusted the Government of the Sibi District and the Barkhan, Khethran and Hasni dependencies jointly to both claimants.
Muhammad Khan was killed by the Khajjaks, a branch of the Panni tribe who had greatly increased in strength and importance, and his successor Habib Khan, who was also ultimately slain by the Khajaks, was obliged to abandon Sibi and retire to Kurk. The Khajjaks had now become the most powerful section, and their importance is shown by the common Sibi proverb which says that, "though the Kakars may conquer in the hills, the Khajaks lord it in the plains."
At the out- break of the Afghan war in 1839, the nominal chief of the tribe was Shakar Khan, but the real power was in the hands of Misri Khan, who tendered his services to Shah Shuja and was taken into British pay. In 184 1, as already described in the section on History, the town of Khajak was occupied by British troops and dismantled. The power of the Khajaks was thus weakened, and shortly afterwards the Marris acquired a footing in the Sibi District. They dis- possessed the Pannis of Badra and Quat-Mandai and over- ran Sangan. Shakar Khan was succeeded by his son Doda Khan, but he was a weak chief and after Misri Khan's death the management of the tribe passed successively into the hands of Bakhtiar Khan and Sher Zaman Khan, the latter of whom was killed while endeavouring to stop a fight between the Brahuis and the Marghazani section of the Pannis. After Doda Khan's death the chieftainship of the tribe devolved on his eldest son Muhammad Khan after being unsuccessfully claimed by Sarbuland Khan, the son of Misri Khan.

According to Tarikhi Sindh of Ghulam Rasool Mehr, the Dhahdar area was in possession of Barozais, with Malik Kala khan Barozai listed as owner of land thereof , upto the times of Mian Nur Muhammad Kalhora (1719-1753 A.D). Graves of Panni notables such as Junaid Khan Barozai , Mirza Khan Barozai, and well known Mullah Misri Afghan are present in Dhadar. The town of Dhadar formed the first capital of the Panni tribe of Afghans on their arrivals in the plains. It was also the place where Dara Shikoh, the Mughal prince, visited Juanid khan, the first Barozai chief and in the vicinity of which many of the famous Baruhi Afghan battles were fought towards the end of seventeenth century A.D.
In 1901, the number of Pannis in the district was 3,656 : males 1,871,females 1,785. They are divided into nine- teen sections : Abdulla Khel, Ali Khel, Bjighun, Baruzai, Davi, Dehpjil, Janti, Khajak, Kurk, Laun, Luni, Marghazani, Mizri, Musa Khel, Naudhjini, Pirani, SAfi, Sodi and Usmani.
Daud Khan Panni

Daud Khan Panni was a Mughal commander, Nawab of the Carnatic and later Viceroy of Deccan.In 1703, Daud Khan was appointed as the Nawab of the Carnatic. Before he was made Nawab, the Emperor Aurangazeb appointed him as a leading commander of the Mughal Army in 1701.

The Ahmad shah Abdali issued sanads to Ismail khan Panni Barozai of Sangan and Muhammad khan Panni Barozai of Sibi.
Ahmad shah Abdali's letters

provincial members

sibi jirgha members


1.Sibi district; text. Compiled by A. McConaghey"
2 The Tribal Baluchistan by Syed Abdul Quddus
3 Afghans of the frontier passes: a study in the historical geography of Sibi and Dhader in the Balochistan province of Pakistan, Volume 1
The Ain I Akbari - Volume 3
Notes on Afghanistan and Baluchistan by Henry George Raverty

Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto with Governor Balochistan Khan of kalat Ahmed Yar khan Ahmedzai and Chief Minister Nawab Muhammad Khan Barozai

Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto with Governor Balochistan Khan of kalat Ahmed Yar khan Ahmedzai and Chief Minister Nawab Muhammad Khan Barozai
Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto with Governor Balochistan Khan of kalat Ahmed Yar khan Ahmedzai and Chief Minister Nawab Muhammad Khan Barozai

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

History of Barozais.

History of Barozai

Panni  Tribes of Sibi District

Balailzai (Panni) are a Pashtun tribe in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Panni are also known as Balailzai. The Panni are descended from Gharghasht, one of Qais Abdur Rashid sons. Most of them are settled in Karachi,  Quetta,Musakhail, Dera Ismail khan , Mardan, Peshawar (Panian Haripur) Kabul, Tank, Kohat. The Pannis were scattered and most of them mostly died.

Panni tribes of Sibi district


Tarekh e Balochistan
Barozai and khan of kalat 18 battle


Panni Naghar, Devi and Babai were real brothers. All tribes are present in Baluchistan(Pakistan) and Afghanistan. The Balailzai tribe were camel and horse breeders entered in India with Bahlol Lodi's army and remained in glory as long as Lodi ruled . That's why the population of Lodi, Naghar and Balailzai is less as compared to other Pashtun tribes in Balochistan and Afghanistan. When Lodhi was defeated by Mughal, the Balailzai started selling horses/camels. Later on they settled in different places of India, like Karachi, Quetta, Musakhel, Dera Ismail Khan, Mardan, Peshawar , Kabul, Tank ,Kohat,Khanozai, Ziarat Rode Malazai, Gulistan, Ajram, Kandahar, Harnai,kohlu,Sibi, Sindh and Panjab Gurani in District Rothak, Rajestan and Hyderabad. Their mother tongue is Pashtu.Balailzai are living in village name Kohi near Musakhail bazaar, in Wazirstan and Afghanistan majority of migratory Afghan tribes known as Kochi. The chief of Panni Pashtuns are Barozai living in Sibi and Musakhel.

early History of Sibi
Sibi district gazetteer
Family Tree of Barozais
Barozai family Tree
History of Barozai in Sibi.
Nawab Mirza khan Barozai
Nawab Mirza khan Barozai
Thal chotiali and Harnai
Thal chotiali and Harnai
Nawabzada Baro Khan Barozai
Nawabzada Baro Khan Barozai

Baluchistan District Gazetteer series , Sibi
Sibi District Gazetteer

Deputy commissioner Sibi
Deputy commissioner Sibi
Ahmad shah Durrani

Imperial Gazetteer of India
Imperial gazetteer of India

Ahmad shah Duranni
Ahmad shah Abdali
نواب محمد خان بروزئی بلوچستان اسیمبلی کے بہلے اسپیکر تھے آپ نے اپنے سیاسی کیرئیر کی شروعات نیشنل عوامی پارٹی(این-اے-پی) سے کی اور 1970 میں پاکستان کی تاریخ میں ہوئے پہلے عام انتخابات کے نتیجے میں پہلے اسپیکر بلوچستان اسیمبلی چنے گئے۔ آپ اپنے عہدے پر 2 مئی 1972 سے 6 دسمبر 1976 تک رہے۔ سال 1974 میں آپ نے پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی میں شمولیت اختیار کرلی تھی اور7 دسمبر 1976 سے 4 اپریل 1977 تک وزیراعلیٰ بلوچستان کے طور پر اپنی خدمات سرانجام دیں۔ دوسری مرتبہ پھر 3 نومبر 1988 سے 4 فروری 1989 تک آپ نے بلوچستان اسیمبلی کے چوتھے اسپیکر کا عہدہ سنبھالا۔
آپ کا تعلق بلوچستان کے شہر سبی کےعلاقے کرک سے تھا۔ آپ 5 مئی 2004 کو 80 برس کی عمر میں سبی بلوچستان میں انتقال کرگئے۔
Nawab Muhammad khan Barozai
Nawab Muhammad khan Barozai

Nawab Muhammad khan Barozai
Nawab muhammad khan Barozai
1-Imam Bux Usmani.
2-Nawab Mohmmad Khan Barozai.
3-Sirbuland Khan Barozai.
4-Mohmmad Jan Marri.
5-Sheer Jan Marri.
6-Sahb Jan Marri.
7-Menijar, Harnai Mil.
8-SON OF Nawabzada Baru Khan)
Nawab Ghous Bakhash Barozai
Nawab Ghous Bakhash Barozai
barozai family
Barozai family

Nawabzada Baro khan Barozai
Nawabzada Baro khan Barozai
governor balochistan
Nawab Barozai
nawabzada baro khan barozai
Nawabzada baro khan Barozai
nawab barozai
Nawab Barozai with dr.Tahir ul Qadri
Sibi Local members of PMAP Party and minister Obaidullah Babat at Nari gorge Sibi
Sibi sub division Jirgha members
Sibi sub division Jirgha members
nawab ghous bakhash barozai
Nawab muhammad khan barozai
Nawab muhammad khan Barozai

Nawab Muhammad Khan Barozai with Gul Khan Naseer
Nawab Muhammad Khan Barozai with Gul Khan Naseer

Latter of sardar sher zaman barozai
Latter of sardar sher zaman barozai

Sources of irrigation and method of division of water in Sibi district

Sources of irrigation and method of division of water in Sibi district The sources of irrigation in the Sibi Tehsil are streams and springs...