Friday, November 30, 2018

Archaeological Sites in Sibi

This prehistoric process continued up to the Safi Pirak mound which dates 3000 years B.C. and even after that as we will see in the narrative which follows.

Safi Pirak Mound

Dawn Karachi of 11th March 1969 reported as follows under the heading ‘Ancient Mound Found Near Safi Pirak village Sibi ‘.
A new site has been put on the archaeological map of the world with the discovery of a mound at Safi Pirak, 10 miles South of Sibi, which has a faint resemblance to the Quetta Culture.
Safi Pirak is a mound about eight meters high covering a surface of 12 acres, twenty kilometres south of Sibi on the road to Jacobabad 1.60 Kilometre east of the Nari river.
Prof. JM. Casal, leader of the French Archaeological Mission said at the National Museum that the unique type of pottery discovered at the mound is the only type of its kind found in Pakistan. Just why and how it is there is still a mystery.
Safi Pirak he said was first noticed by a British hydrologist Mr. R.L Raikes, in late fifties when he was working for WAPDA in Baluchistan region.
Prof. Casal and six other Frenchmen were the first to conduct full scale excavations in January last year. Beside the Pottery he said he also found iron, bronze and copper, black pottery charcoal and flint blades.
Safi Pirak Mound
Safi Pirak Mound

The French Archaeologist said the upper levels of the site are of the period of first millennium B.C.
The wood charcoal found there will be subjected to radio carbon dating in a special laboratory outside Pakistan to determine the exact period of its origin.
Prof. Casal was introduced by Mr. Justice Ghulam ali the Director of Archaeologist Dr.F.A Khan also made brief reference to the work done by French mission in Pakistan.

Luni Mound

This site measuring about 400 by 200 feet with a height of about 30 feet, is situated near Luni village on Usmani land about 8 miles north-east of Sibi. It has been much disturbed. Unauthorized digging by the villagers for Gold and silver coins has been going on for ages and there are deeply eroded gullies made by rains on all sides. Potsherds collected from the site represent mostly plain pottery with heavy well fired red fabric. Decoration consists of stamped and relief designs Large handled jars and vases and spouted vessels of Sassanian type are quite common. Some polished red slipped sherds were also observed. 
Luni Mound
Luni Mound

A silver coin of the Indo-Greek period was collected. A stone sculpture with Kharoshti or Brahmi inscription was reported to have been dug out by the villagers from the site but could not be traced. The settlement is assigned to the Buddhist period attribution consistent with the collected objects dateable from the Indo-Greek to Sassanian periods but though the villagers reported the recovery of gold and silver relics no building was traceable on the surface.

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