Monday, October 29, 2018

Safi Pirak and Mizri Village

Safi Pirak and Mizri Village

Mizri, Kurak and Safi came to Sibi and initially lived in  Gullu Shaher temporary at that time Sibi was in control of Arghun State and they were rulers of Sibi. The Panni tribes encounter in war with the Arghuns and they defeated them and after while they expelled Arghuns from Sibi. After victory they divided the land among Mizri, Kurak and Safi tribes.

Pirak Safi Ruins


Mizri Village
Mizri Village

  The Revenue Records of Sibi District.

Safi Pirak Village
Safi Pirak Village

Monday, September 17, 2018

Sibi Fort

Sibi Fort

Sibi  also finds place in the popular accounts of the Chahnama wherein it is narrated that the king Chah defeated Sewas, pushing them out of this place captured Sibi Fort. The Hindu rulers, Sewas had kept this territory under their control for considerable length of time, having lost ultimately to King Chah in 550 A.D. The Brahman rule continued here till the early part of eight century AD when the young Arab general, Muhammad Bin Qasim, held sway over the whole of these areas. During the 11th century Sibi was included in the vast Ghazanvide Empire. The Muslim rule continued here as it remained a tributary of the Suba of Musltan under nasir el din Qubacha (1210-1228 AD). Accoring to Ain-e-Akbari, the Sibi Fort was conferred by Jam Nizamuddin of Sindh as fief in 1488 AD on Shah Beg Arghun, who was the ruler of Qandhar.

Towards the end of 15th century and in the beginning of 16th century A.D. Siwi Fort was ruled by Bahahdur Khan of Sindh and then by Sultan Pur-Dil Barlas whose forces were thrown out of the Fort by the forces of Shah Beg Arghun son of Zunnun Beg Arghun. In 1543 A.D. Siwi Fort was visited by the fugitive Mughal king Humayun along with his infant son Akbar, the future Great Mughal and the emperor of India. The father and the son found the Arghuns in possession of the Fort. Mulla Mehumd Jiskani the Author of Tazkir-ul-Bar assigns 15th century A.D. for the occupation of Siwi by the Pannis. According to the Akbar Namah of Abul Fazal and Akbar Nama of Faizi Sarhindi by 1575 A.D. Panni Afghans were already in control of Siwi Fort. Therefore, must have been present in the general area of Siwi much before that date since it is likely that their conquest of Siwi would have taken some considerable time. The Government records evidence shows that Dehpal a panni Tribe lived in Siwi Fort they possess the land adjacent to the Fort, a village Dehpal Kalan is situated near the Fort.

Sibi fort
Sibi Fort

Panni Tribes taken control Sibi from Arghuns
Panni Tribes taken control Sibi from Arghuns

Deputy Commissioner Visit of Sibi Fort
Deputy Commissioner Visit of Ancient Sibi Fort
Fort of Sibi
Fort of Sibi
Old Photo of Sibi Fort
Old Photo of Sibi Fort
Sibi Fort re-built by Shah Beg Arghun
Sibi Fort re-built by Shah Beg Arghun
Now the Sibi Fort is Property of Dehpal Tribe
Now the Sibi Fort is Property of Dehpal Tribe
Hamal baba Sibi
Hamal baba Sibi

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

تاریخ سبی

تاریخ سبی

سبی پاکستان کے صوبہ بلوچستان میں ضلع ہے۔ ضلع کی دو تحصیلیں سبی اور ہرنائی ہیں۔ جو مزید سب تحصیلوں پر منظم ہیں۔ سبی ایک تاریخی شہر ہے۔اس شہرکی بہت سی خصوصیات ہیں۔ابتدائی تاریخ کےمطابق سبی کا پرانا نام سیوی تھا جوکہ ہندوریاست کی ملکہ تھیں۔ محمد بن قاسم کی فتح سندھ 711 عیسوی کے بعد راجہ داہر کوشکست ہوی اور یوں اسلام کی ترویج کا سلسلہ شروع ہوا 

سلطان محمود غزنوی نے 978 عیسوی کو سبی اور اس کے قریبی علاقوں کو غزنوی ریاست;میں شامل کیا۔

Historical Records of Sibi
سرکاری ریکارڈ سبی


شجاع الدین ذولنون ارغون نے 1488 میں شال اور سبی میں حکمرانی کی تھی۔ آئین اکبری کے مطابق سیوی قلعہ ان کے زیر اثر تھا اور ذوالنون ارغون کے بیٹے شاہ بیگ ارغون نے شال اور سبی کو بڑی جدوجہد کے بعد جام نظام الدین سے دوبارہ حاصل کیا اور سیوی قلعہ کی 1511 میں دوبارہ تعمیر کی اور مرزاعیسی ترخان کو گورنر مقرر کیا تھا

سیوی قلعہ
سیوی قلعہ

ارغون حکومت کی کمزوری پر پنی افغان قبائل نے طاقت حاصل کی تھی۔

سید ابوالفضل نے سبی پر تسلط قائم کرنے کے لیے مہمات روانا کیں پنی قبائل کی سخت مزاحمت کے بعد سیوی قلعہ پر قبضہ ہوا۔ اور ان کے انخلا کے بعد پنی قبائل نے دوبارہ ضلع اور قلعہ کا کنٹرول سنبھال لیا ۔ معروف تاریخ دان میرمعصوم شاہ بخاری کی نگرانی میں 1595 تیسری مہمات کی گیں۔

اکبر بادشاہ کے وقت میں سبی اور ملحقہ علاقے مغل سلطنت کا حصہ تھے اور باقاعدگی سے واجبات ادا کرتے تھے

مغل سلطنت کے بادشاہ اورنگ زیب عالمگیر کے بھائی داراشکواہ نے بغاوت میں ناکامی پر فرار ہونے کی کوشیش کی اور سبی کے قریب علاقہ ڈھاڈر سے گرفتار ہوے اور اس وقت جنید خان پنی باروزئی نے ان کی گرفتاری میں اہم کردار ادا کیا تھا ۔ اورنگ زیب عالمگیر نے ان کے بیٹے مرزا خان باروزئی کو 1695 میں نواب کا خطاب دیا اور بالائی سندھ کا منتظم مقرر کیا ۔ اس کے بعد نواب بختیارخان باروزئی کو 1700 میں نظام افواج نے قتل کر دیا۔

سندھ کے یار محمد کلوڑا نے 1712 میں سبی اور مظافات میں حکمرانی قائم کی لیکن جلد ہی احمد شاہ درانی کی بڑھتی ہوئی طاقت نے ان کو واپس جانے پر مجبور کر دیا۔

درانی سلطنت میں مقامی حکمرانی باروزئی قبائل کو دی گی ۔ احمد شاہ ابدالی نے محمد خان باروزئی کو سبی کا اور اسماعیل خان باروزئی کو سانگان کا منتظم مقرر کیا

انگریز اور خجک قبائل کی جنگ 1841

انگریزوں کی آمد کا سلسلہ شروع ہو اور مارچ 1841 کو سبی کے خجک قبائل نے انگریزوں کو مالیہ دینے سے انکار کر دیا . کرنل ولسن کی سربراہی میں خجک دیہات پر حملے کے لیے قافلہ روانا کیا اور اس وقت کے باروزئی سربراہ نے ان کی حمایت کی تھی۔ خجک قبائل قلعہ میں رہ کر جنگ لڑتے رہےاس جنگ میں انگریزوں کو بھاری جانی نقصان ہوا

کرنل ویلسن سمیت4 آفیسر اور 55 افراد قتل ہوے اور خجک قوم کے 90 افراد کی شہادت ہوئی

انگریز اور خجک قبائل کی جنگ 1841
انگریز اور خجک قبائل کی جنگ 1841 

انگریزوں نے باقاٰعدہ ایک پولیٹیکل ایجنٹ سبی مقرر کیا اور عمارات تعمیر کیں اور سبی شہر آباد کیا 

Political Agents Sibi

Political Agents Sibi

سبی میں موسم سرما میں جرگہ 1875 سے شروع کیا اس میں مختلف کیسوں کے فیصلے مقامی نمائندوں کی موجودگی میں ہوتے تھے - سبی سب ڈویژن کے شاہی جرگہ کے نمائندے 1.۔خان بہادر سردار مصطفی خان باروزئی (کڑک)2-سردار تاج محمد باروئی (سانگان) 3۔ خان بہادر دین محمد مرغزانی(سبی) تھے۔

جرگہ ہال سبی
جرگہ ہال سبی

سبی میلہ کا آغاز فروری 1885 سے ہوا اس میلے کا مقصد جانوروں کی پیداوار میں اضافہ اور اس کو مالداروں کے لیے

ایک منڈی بنانا تھا ۔ مالداروں کوانعامات دئیے گے۔ انتطامی رپورٹ آف بلوچستان ایجنیسی 1887-1886میں تفصیلات درج ہیں۔

sibi mela
 سرکاری دستاویزات کے مطابق سبی میلہ کا آغاز 1885 سے ہوا تھا.

سبی شہر میں تعلمی ادارے اوراسپتال قائم کیے گے۔ سبی سےہرنائی اور کوئیٹہ کے لیے ریلوے لائن بچھائی گیں ۔

تاریخ کا حوالہ درج ذیل کتابوں سے لیا گیا ہے۔

1۔ایمپیریل گزیٹیر آف انڈیا مصنف سیکریٹری اسٹیٹ آف انڈیا

2۔سبی ڈسٹرکٹ گزیٹیر مصنف میجر میکانگی۔

3- ارغون نامہ مصنف سید میر محمد بن سید جلال تتوی

4- تاریخ معصومی مصنف معصوم شاہ بخاری

5-تھل چوٹیالی رپورٹ مصنف او-ٹی-ڈیوکس

6-افغان آف فرنٹیر پاس مصنف عبدالعزیز لونی

7-تاریخ بلوچستان مصنف گل خان نصیر

8۔ایڈمین اسٹریشن رپورٹس مصنف پولیٹکل ایجنٹس

9۔برٹش ٹروپس آپریشن ان سندھ اینڈ افغانستان

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Sibi District Gazetteer 1907

Sibi District Gazetteer 1907


Tarkhan Nama 

Tarkhan nama
Tarkhan Nama 


Administration Report of Baluchistan agency 1886-87

Administration Report of Baluchistan agency 1886-87
Administration Report of Baluchistan agency 1886-87 .


The Forward Policy and its Results.

The Forward Policy and its Results.
The Forward Policy and its results. 


The Imperial Gazetteer of India

The Imperial Gazetteer of India

The Imperial Gazetteer of India

Thal Chotiali and Harnai

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Gulu Shahar

Gulu shahar

Gulu shahr

The Sibi is adjacent to the River of Nari which flows from the North adjacently to the East of the city. Bounded bt the villages of Luni, Gullu Shaher, kurak, Khajjak, Talli, Marghazani, safi, dehpal and Bakhra Ghulam Bolak. The Sibi city also have a small Airport situated in the vicinity of the city.
Naudhani Tribe
Naudhani Tribe

The Naudhani Tribe of Gulu Shahr have sub Tribes i.e Issani, Mosyani, Mandwani and Bazdani the cast of Naudhani is Hassani Tareens.
Naudhani Tareen
Naudhani Tareen

Hassani Tareen Family Tree
Hassani Tareen Family Tree

 Tehsil office Sibi records of Gulu Shahr.

Naudhani Tareen
Naudhani Tareen

Naudhani Hassani Tareens

Mosyani Tareen

Mandwani Tareens

Sibi geography
Sibi Geography
Gullu Shaher Property Records
Gullu Shaher Property Records

The Gulu Shahar belongs to the Noudhanis .The population of village in 1901 was 773 people.

Population of Gulu shahar of sibi
Population of Gulu shahar of sibi 

Sibi Circles
Sibi Circles

Panni tribes of Sibi District
Panni tribes of Sibi District.
Gullu shahar
Agriculture Farm Gulu Shahar

Gulu Shahr 

History of Sibi
History of Sibi

Gulu Shahar
Gulu Shahr

gullu shahar
Gulu Shahr Dahna Sardar Yousaf Khan Naudhani 1951

History of Sibi
History of Sibi

History of Sibi District
History of Sibi District

Haji Muhammad Akber Naudhani with Prime minster Benazir Bhutto in Local bodies convention Sibi

Haji Muhammad Akber Naudhani with Prime minster Benazir Bhutto in Local bodies onvention Sibi
Haji Muhammad Akber Naudhani with Prime minster Benazir Bhutto in Local bodies convention Sibi
Luni Village
Luni Village
jungle Sarkar
jungle Sarkar

Gulu Shahr

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sibi Mela

Sibi Mela

Sibi Mela (Horse Show )

The first of these fairs was held in January 1885, when a sum of Rs. 2,000 contributed from local funds in the Agency, was disbursed in prizes. This fair was an experiment intended to open out the large market for horses afforded by Baluchistan. It was attended by Mr. Crainger, then officiating as Superintendent of Horse-breeding operations in Bombay and pronounced by him to be a great success.
Sibi mela 1885
Sibi Mela 1885

The second fair was held in February 1886 and to the expenses of this fair the Sibi and Quetta Municipalities contributed respectively Rs 2000 and 700.
Five hundred and ninety-four (594) horses competed for prizes in the various classes and the total amount disbursed on this account was Rs 1465. Sixty-seven (67) remounts were purchased for military purposes but their prices were not recorded.
The Government of Bombay in their Resolution N0.4794, dated 6th July 1886 in Revenue Department declared the results of this second horse show to be very satisfactory and observed that the horse show promised to become in future a good market for remounts.
In consequence of the continued success of this fair the Government of India was asked to sanction an annual money grant towards its expenses in future and though no grant could be made for the year under review a provisional sanction to the allotment of Rs. 1000 has been given for the fair of 1888.
The Fair of 1887 began on the 19th January continued till the 25th of the same month.
Brigadier General Luck C.B commanding in Sindh was President of the Judging Committee and Mr. Hellen, general Superintendent Horse Breeding Operations in India one of members.
The total number of horses brought to the show was computed to be 1400 of which no less than 1022 competed for prizes as against 594 in previous year.
The expenses of the fair were met by the same contributions from local funds as before Rs. 2000 from the Sibi and Rs. 700 from the Quetta Municipality. The total of sales effected at this s how was over 40, the Punjab Remount Committee purchasing 15 horses at an average price of Rs. 199 and the Bombay cavalry 19 at an average price of Rs. 177. One donkey stallion was purchased by the General Superintendent Horse-breeding Operations for stud purposes at Rs. 110.
Notwithstanding that the prizes at the present and previous shows were expressly arranged with a view to encourage the exhibition of geldings very few appeared this year. This is mainly accounted for by there having been no Government salutri available for castration operations in the year preceding the show but a competent salutri has since been entertained and it is hoped that next year there will be a considerable number of geldings for show and sale.
The breeders appear to have no objection to the castration of their colts and now that a large number of Government stallions are available at various places in the Agency, it is very desirable to prevent haphazard breeding. With this in view it is in contemplation to offer as many as twenty-five (25) prizes, amounting to Rs. 410 at the next show for geldings from 1 to 4 years of age.

There is no longer any doubt that Baluchistan affords a large and good the Agency will certainly produce a number of Horses admirably suited for native cavalry requirements.
The number of Government stallions in the Agency is now as follows: -
English Thorough breeds . . .. .    . .   ..   .   . . . ..     8
English Norfolk Trotters . . . . . .. . .  .. .  .. . . . . .  .    2
Arabs . . . . . . …………………. . ………………………… . . .   9
Donkeys  . . . . .  . .. .  ..  ..   ……    … . . . .  . . .. . . . .  . 4
The Jubilee
Her Majesty’s Jubilee was observed throughout the Agency on the 16th February at Sibi the Officiating Agent to the Governor- General held a Darbar at which a number of chiefs were present and at Quetta a Darbar was presided over by the Political Agent. At both a number of prisoners were released. His Highness the Khan celebrated the occasion at his winter capital of Bhag, where he founded a school in commemoration of the day. The Towns of Sibi, Quetta and Bhag were illuminated at night.


Sibi Mela History
Sibi Mela History

سبی میلہ کا تاریخی جائزہ
سبی میلہ مویشیاں کا آغاز 1885 ء میں 2000 روپے لوکل فنڈز سے ہوا تھا ۔ دوسرا سبی میلہ 1886 میں 2700 روپے فنڈز سےہوا تھا ۔ اس طرح تمام سبی میلہ مویشیاںو اسپاں کا سرکاری ریکارڈ بلوچستان انتظامی رپورٹس میں درج ہے ۔
سبی میلہ مویشیاں و اسپاں 1895 میں کل 1437 جانور لائے گے فنڈ ز 3279 روپے تھا ۔ 1896 میں 1262 جانور 3655 روپے تھا ۔
سبی ڈسٹرکٹ گزیٹیر سےتفصیلات لی گئی ہیں ۔
Sibi Mela Horse and Cattle Show
Sibi Mela Horse and Cattle Show

Mela Stadium Sibi
Mela Stadium Sibi
Sibi Mela 2018
Sibi Mela 2018

Sibi Mela 1885
Sibi Mela 1885

The second fair was held in February 1886 and to the expenses of this fair the Sibi and Quetta Municipalities contributed respectively RS. 2,000 and Rs. 700.
Five hundred and ninety-four horses competed for prizes in the various classes and the total  amount disbursed on this account was Rs. 1,465. Sixty seven remounts were purchased  for military purposes.

Reference : Administrative Report of Balochistan agency 1886-87

Sibi Horse Fair
Sibi Horse Fair
Sibi mela 2017
Sibi Mela 2017

Sibi mela 1974
Sibi mela 1974

Sibi Mela
Sibi mela

Bhag nari Bull
Bhag nari Bull

History of Sibi Mela
History of Sibi Mela

Sibi Mela inauguration Governor Balochistan Muhammad khan Achakzai and nawab Ghous Bakhash Barozai
Sibi Mela inauguration Governor Balochistan Muhammad khan Achakzai and nawab Ghous Bakhash Barozai

Sibi mela 1902
Sibi mela 1902

Sibi Horse and cattle Fair
Sibi Horse and cattle Fair

Sibi mela
Sibi mela
Tent packing
Tent packing

Sources of irrigation and method of division of water in Sibi district

Sources of irrigation and method of division of water in Sibi district The sources of irrigation in the Sibi Tehsil are streams and springs...